Department of Chemistry



NMR Scheduling

Scheduling for the NMR instruments is handled via the FACES Scheduling System. The "Group Name" for the scheduler is "PITTCHEMNMR"; a username and password will be issued for each user upon their successful completion of the initial training and self-test.

Scheduling Policies:

Most NMR scheduling policies are enforced automatically by the FACES or IconNMR software; however, users must also respect the following rules:

  • You can only sign up for one NMR spectrometer at a time.
  • Signing up NMR time for non-approved users is not allowed.
  • Not more than two reservations allowed per day per instrument per user.
  • Overnight experiments should be set-up to end before the end of the overnight time slot. Any experiment which is still running after the end of the allotted time slot will be terminated with "halt".

Exemptions from these rules will be granted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the NMR Facility at least 48 hours in advance to request an exemption.


Scheduling Rules by Instrument:

300 (Under Graduate Lab)

Daytime Hours:  8 AM – 10 PM
Daytime limit: 15 minutes
Nighttime Hours: 10 PM – 8 AM
Nighttime limit: 10 hours

Due to hardware limitations, night experiments cannot be submitted before 10 PM to NMR 300. Thus, we will continue to use the FACES scheduling system to schedule night time on this instrument. Instructions for how to set up nighttime experiments on this NMR 300 are posted online in the guide “Using the NMRCase”.


301B (450 CSC)

The NMR 301B runs in automation using IconNMR.

Daytime Hours:  8 AM – 11 PM
Daytime limit: 30 minutes/experiment
Nighttime Hours: 11PM – 8 AM
Nighttime limit: 9 hours

Nighttime experiments can be submitted in advance to the system. Instructions for submitting nighttime experiments on the 301b are available online in the guide “Using the SampleExpress”.



The NMR 400A runs in automation using IconNMR.

Daytime Hours:  8 AM – 10 PM
Daytime limit: 15 minutes/experiment
Nighttime Hours: 10PM – 8 AM
Nighttime limit: 6 hours

Nighttime experiments can be submitted in advance to the system. Instructions for submitting nighttime experiments on the 400A are available online in the guide “Using the SampleExpress”.



Day time 8AM-10PM 1 hr limit
Overnight time 10PM-8AM (next day)

Users are limited to 2 appoinments per day. 
Each appointment must begin less than 24 hrs after it is requested.



The NMR 500 runs in automation using IconNMR.

Daytime Hours:  8 AM – 10 PM
Daytime limit: 30 minutes/experiment
Nighttime Hours: 10PM – 8 AM
Nighttime limit: 6 hours

Nighttime experiments can be submitted in advance to the system. Instructions for submitting nighttime experiments on the 400A are available online in the guide “Using the SampleExpress”.



24hr limit

Each appointment must begin less than 1 week after it is requested.
You cannot have more than one appointment in the future, i.e., you cannot sign up for a new appointment until your previous appointment has begun.



36hr limit
Each appointment must begin less than 1 week after it is requested.
You cannot have more than one appointment in the future, i.e., you cannot sign up for a new appointment until your previous appointment has begun.